Job de babysitting în Edinburgh: LLS


Job de babysitting în Edinburgh: LLS


Tarif pe oră
10,00 GBP/hr

Este posibil ca traducerile automate să nu fie complet exacte.

We are a happy family with a 6-month little one. This is our first baby, and we are trying to be super parents. We both work as academic researchers at universities, and most of the time we work from home. We would like to get help with basic childcare, mainly to play with the boy and change nappies when we are working at home. It would be wonderful if you are open to helping with some light housework..

We are a happy family with a 6-month little one. This is our first baby, and we are trying to be super parents. We both work as academic researchers at universities, and most of the time we work from home. We would like to get help with basic childcare, mainly to play with the boy and change nappies when we are working at home. It would be wonderful if you are open to helping with some light housework if the boy is sleeping when you come at the agreed time. The boy has not developed a very routined schedule and we might not get an accurate plan. We are very cautious about COVID-19, given some unfortunate stories among our relatives related to covid. We ourselves are taking strict measures at home, and we would ask you to take similar measures when taking care of the baby (e.g., details to be discussed).

Caracteristicile copiilor
  • Energetic
  • Curios
  • Sportiv

Numărul de copii
Vârstele copiilor
  • Bebeluș

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Când avem nevoie de bonă

Lu Ma Mi Jo Vi S D
Actualizat: 16 martie 2023

Despre familia noastră

Tipul de bonă dorit
  • Bonă
  • Alt părinte (părinți-ajută-părinți)
Locație de babysitting preferată
La familie
Limbi pe care le vorbim
  • Engleză
9 ori

Avem nevoie de o bonă care acceptă

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0 Evaluări

Ne pare rău, momentan nu putem gestiona solicitarea. Încearcă din nou mai târziu, și nu ezita să ne contactezi dacă problema persistă.

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0 Referințe

Ne pare rău, momentan nu putem gestiona solicitarea. Încearcă din nou mai târziu, și nu ezita să ne contactezi dacă problema persistă.

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Inregistreaza-te GRATUIT
Job de babysitting în Edinburgh: LLS
Tarif pe oră
10,00 GBP/hr

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