Job de babysitting în Calgary: Summer


Job de babysitting în Calgary: Summer


Tarif pe oră
16,00 CAD/hr

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Hi there. My name is Summer, I’m Lyndon’s mom. I am looking for a caring babysitter to help me with my 3 year old son Lyndon the weekend of September 28th, im looking for someone to watch my son most likely during bed time as I have a friend coming to town and will be going out on Friday night and Saturday night. I'm very excited to find the right match. As I said Lyndon will already be bathed..

Hi there. My name is Summer, I’m Lyndon’s mom. I am looking for a caring babysitter to help me with my 3 year old son Lyndon the weekend of September 28th, im looking for someone to watch my son most likely during bed time as I have a friend coming to town and will be going out on Friday night and Saturday night. I'm very excited to find the right match. As I said Lyndon will already be bathed and put in his pajamas and have eaten and possibly already sleeping by the time you get here. But if not I need someone to watch movies with him and read to him and give him snacks and play with him until he does fall asleep. He’s very easy-going, very very sweet, and very smart, lots of energy This will be 4-5 hours total. Please let me know if this sounds like something you’d be able to do! He’s an amazing boy super well behaved, super sweet, and super loving, lots of energy. We hope to find somebody to nurture all those amazing attributes he has. Please send a message or text if you are interested Summer

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Actualizat: 29 septembrie 2023

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Ne pare rău, momentan nu putem gestiona solicitarea. Încearcă din nou mai târziu, și nu ezita să ne contactezi dacă problema persistă.

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Job de babysitting în Calgary: Summer
Tarif pe oră
16,00 CAD/hr

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